Electric Vehicle Chargers
We supply and install OZEV approved chargers from leading brands including Tesla, EO, Podpoint, Project EV and Andersen.

Which Charger is Best For You?
This page contains a sample of some of the charge points we supply. It is not an exhaustive list, so if you don’t see the electric vehicle charging station you want, email us at info@eco-ev.uk for prices and availability.
There are so many charging points out there that it can be difficult choosing. We will lift the lid on what’s best for you based on your property’s power supply, where your charger will be located, your budget and your vehicle.

Pod Point solo 3
7.2kW single phase – The Pod Point Solo 3 is one of the few chargers with in-built safety technology to detect faults within your electrical network. This eliminates the need for the installation of an earth rod.
project ev pro earth
7.3kW single phase – The Project EV Pro Earth features as standard the option to lock your EV cable to the unit via the smart app, essentially making your charger tethered.

hypervolt home 2.0
7kW single phase – The Hypervolt Home 2.0 is a smart-enabled EV charger with Alexa. It’s beautifully designed with a 5m cable as standard, or you can add a 7.5m cable optionally.
eo mini pro 2
7kW single phase – Control and monitor your electric charger via your smartphone through the JuiceNet app, powered by EnelX. It has a scheduling feature, letting you plan charging around your day.

Ohme Wallcharger
7.3kW single phase – The Ohme Wallcharger is a small tidy charging point that comes with a cable holder. Using the app you can start, stop and pause charging and set the timer to make use of cheaper electricity.
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